Weekend Workshop: Protecting Your Mind with Kelsang Gechog

Weekend Workshop: Protecting Your Mind with Kelsang Gechog


Introductory talk, Friday October 13th, 6-7 pm.  $10 for non-members.

Saturday October 14th, 2 Sessions with half-hour break. $15 for non-members.

2:00–3:15pm | Session One

3:45–5:00pm | Session Two

Practicing Moral Discipline helps us solve the problems of this life by avoiding the causes of suffering, and creates the potential for fortunate rebirths in the future. In this workshop we will explore how the practices of compassion and moral discipline together make our lives meaningful by purging negative karma and helping us accumulate a vast collection of merit, creating the causes for us to attain the unsurpassed happiness of enlightenment.

Following the workshop, on Sunday October 15th at 7am, we will hold Mahayana Precepts, an opportunity to engage in a special practice of moral discipline motivated by Bodhichitta. This practice will be described during the workshop, but if you wish to know more about it before then, go to https://kadampa.org/buddhism/taking-precepts

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