Please JOIN US!

contact us with any questions at (631) 316-0171 Hamptonsmeditation@gmail.com

 Pujas at the Center

Wishfulfilling Jewel, Sundays, 8-9am

Heart Jewel with Lam Rim, Saturday 9-10am

Heart Jewel with Lam Rim, Wednesday 9:45-11am (meditation class after)

Quick Path**, Thursdays 5-7pm ** (for recipients of Highest Yoga Tantric Empowerment only)

POWA (prayers for the recently deceased) will be on the 1st Sunday of every month, 12:30-1:30pm.

Additional Pujas on the 8th, 10th, 15th and 25th of each month. Times to be announced via newsletter.


OUR CENTER in Water Mill has many wonderful classes!

We are located in the heart of Water Mill (720C Montauk Highway). Our entrance is the first driveway to the west of the Water Mill street light. We are located behind Jason Klinge Residential Contracting at end of the parking lot. 

Phone: (631) 316-0171

Email: HamptonsMeditation@gmail.com
